The Influence of Perceived Risk, Trust and Attitude Toward Online Purchasing on Behavior Purchasing Intention of Generation Y Consumers in Thailand

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Tawatchai Ramkongmuang
Piyachat Jarutirasarn
Chanongkorn Kuntonbutr


This research article aims to study (1) the influence of perceived risk on trustworthiness and attitude toward online purchases; (2) the influence of trustworthiness on attitudes toward online purchases; and (3) the influence of online purchasing attitudes on behavioral purchase intent. It’s mixed research. Both quantitatively and qualitatively, they are generation Y consumers who buy goods and services online. A sample of 420 people used an online questionnaire to collect data. Data were analyzed by content analysis and SEM structural equation analysis.

Findings are as follows: It can be concluded that the results of this analysis are consistent with the empirical data. Index value χ2 = 129.18, χ2/df = 1.14, p-value = 0.14, RMSEA = 0.01, CFI = 1.00, NFI = 1.00 and SRMR = 0.01. The highest was 0.97, followed by risk perception had a direct influence on attitude towards online buying was 0.58 and trustworthiness had a direct influence on behavioral purchase intent was 0.54 with statistical significance at the level of .01 respectively. In the qualitative research findings, risk perception influencing trust credibility online shopping attitudes and behavioral purchase intentions of generation Y consumers. The seller must reassure or create relationship marketing with customers.

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How to Cite
Ramkongmuang, T., Jarutirasarn, P., & Kuntonbutr, C. (2023). The Influence of Perceived Risk, Trust and Attitude Toward Online Purchasing on Behavior Purchasing Intention of Generation Y Consumers in Thailand. Ph.D. In Social Sciences Journal, 13(2), 470–485. Retrieved from
Research Article


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