A Structural Equation Model Explicating the Effects of Strategic Management, Organizational Resilience, and Competitive Advantage on Business Growth of SMEs System Integrators in Thailand

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Supalnat Hongvattanajainam
Somchit Luanchamroen
Sungworn Ngudgratoke


This research article aimed to study (1) develops and inspects a structural equation model explicating the effects of strategic management; examines (2) the effects of strategic management, organizational resilience, and competitive advantage on business growth of SMES system integrators in Thailand. The quantitative research approach was employed with a questionnaire as a research instrument to collect data from 250 system integrators business entrepreneurs in Thailand using the technique of purposive sampling. Data were analyzed using mean and standard deviation. The structural equation modeling (SEM) analysis was conducted in the hypothesis test.

Findings are as follows: The confirmatory factor analysis of variables found to exhibit congruence with the empirical data. The chi-square (χ²) was 107.823; degrees of freedom (df) = 112; chi-square/ degrees of freedom (χ²/df) = 0.962; root mean square error of approximation (RMSEA)=0.000; Tucker-Lewis index (TLI) = 1.002, comparative fit index (CFI) = 1.000, and standardized root mean square residual (SRMR) = 0.039, respectively. The hypothesis test found that strategic management exhibited direct effects on competitive advantage and organizational resilience. Organizational resilience exhibited direct effects on competitive advantage and business growth. Competitive advantage exhibited direct effects on business growth. In conclusion, all the factors exhibited effects on business growth as the hypothesis set.

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How to Cite
Hongvattanajainam, S., Luanchamroen, S., & Ngudgratoke, S. (2024). A Structural Equation Model Explicating the Effects of Strategic Management, Organizational Resilience, and Competitive Advantage on Business Growth of SMEs System Integrators in Thailand. Ph.D. in Social Sciences Journal, 14(1), 59–74. retrieved from https://so05.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/phdssj/article/view/266133
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