Marketing Communication Strategy for Enhance Chiangrai Tourism

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Ekapop Changkaew
Warach Madhyamapurush
Prakobsiri Pakdeepinit
Phatpitta Sreesompong


This research article aims to study (1) the processes of Chiangrai brand communication (2) stakeholders’ perceptions of Chiangrai brand and (3) the marketing communication strategies for enhancing Chiangrai tourism quality. This research employs qualitative research including documentary, observations, interviews, and group discussions with 27 participants who either had or had not participated in the tourism branding process of Chiangrai province. The collated data were analyzed using a thematic analysis based on the city branding concept.

Findings are as follows: Chiangrai branding focused on utilizing the brand as a functional benefit to develop the province’s tourism through Chaingrai brand DNA: STYLE-C. In terms of brand engagement strategy, it is more concerned about external communication than internal communication. Moreover, there are blurred key driving sections and brand communication policies. This may lead to the lack of brand awareness of both the tourism government and the private sector in the province. Therefore, this paper contributes the 4Cs’marketing communication strategies for Chaingrai tourism enhancement including Construction, Communication, Compliments, and Contributors.

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How to Cite
Changkaew, E., Madhyamapurush, W., Pakdeepinit, P., & Sreesompong, P. (2024). Marketing Communication Strategy for Enhance Chiangrai Tourism. Ph.D. In Social Sciences Journal, 14(1), 265–280. Retrieved from
Research Article


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