Serial Mediated Effect of Corporate Social Responsibility and Corporate Image as Factors Transmitting Corporate Governance to Firm Performance of Small Enterprise Entrepreneurs the Commercial Sector in the Lower North Region 1

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Kovit Songkun
Thanet Oonprechavanich
Sukkaew Comesorn
Surasit Udomthanavong


This research article aims to study (1) to examine factors influencing corporate governance, corporate social responsibility, and corporate image to firm performance and (2) to examine the intermediate effect of corporate social responsibility and corporate image as a factor in transferring corporate governance to firm performance.This research is a quantitative research that collects data by questionnaires. Study of 360 entrepreneurs of small enterprises in the trade sector in lower northern region 1. Descriptive statistics were used to analyze the mean, percentage, standard deviation, and statistics inferred by analyzing the structural equation model.

Findings are as follows: (1) The influence of corporate governance, corporate social responsibility, and corporate image had a statistically significant effect on corporate performance (p < .001). and (2) The influence of corporate social responsibility and corporate image as serious mediating effect are intermediate variables that transmit corporate governance to firm performance.

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How to Cite
Songkun, K., Oonprechavanich, T., Comesorn, S., & Udomthanavong, S. (2023). Serial Mediated Effect of Corporate Social Responsibility and Corporate Image as Factors Transmitting Corporate Governance to Firm Performance of Small Enterprise Entrepreneurs the Commercial Sector in the Lower North Region 1. Ph.D. in Social Sciences Journal, 13(3), 755–770. retrieved from
Research Article


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