Leadership Skill Development Strategies for the 21st Century of Primary School Administrators

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Nittaya Hoimook
Pha Agsornsua


The purposes of this study were: 1) to study component factors and indicators of the leadership skills for the 21st century of primary school administrators, 2) to study the current and desirable conditions of leadership skills for the 21st century of primary school administrators and 3) to develop the strategies for development of leadership skills of the 21st century of primary school administrators. The research was a mixed methods studies. Sample groups were 370 school administrators and teachers under Khon Kaen primary education service area, using stratified random sampling method, 12 experts and 30 stakeholders. The research tools were questionnaire on the current and desirable conditions of the leadership skills for the 21st century of primary school administrators and strategy evaluation form. The statistics were used to analyze data; percentage, standard deviation and need priority index (PNImodified).
The research results were as follows:
1) Leadership skills for the 21st century of primary school administrators consisted of 4 key factors and 13 indicators. The factors were: 1) communication skills with 3 indicators, 2) creativity skills with 4 indicators, 3) visionary skills with 3 indicators and 4) collaboration skills with 3 indicators. The evaluation of factors and indicators were found at "suitable" level.
2) The current leadership skills for the 21st century of primary school administrators, as a whole and each individual factor, were at moderate level. The desirable leadership skills for the 21st century of primary school administrators, as a whole, were at high level which the highest part is visionary skills.
3) The leadership skill development strategies for the 21st century of primary school administrators consisted of 4 strategies with 21 measures and 36 indicators. The strategies were as follows: Strategy 1 was to strengthen leadership skills in the 21st century focusing on vision with 5 measures and 10 indicators, Strategy 2 was to enhance the ability to use technology in communication with 4 measures and 7 indicators. Strategy 3 was to empower creative and innovative skills with 8 measures and 10 indicators, and strategy 4 was to raise the level of collaboration with 4 measures and 9 indicators.

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How to Cite
Hoimook, N., & Agsornsua, P. (2019). Leadership Skill Development Strategies for the 21st Century of Primary School Administrators. Princess of Naradhiwas University Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 7(1), 83–97. retrieved from https://so05.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/pnuhuso/article/view/216879
Research Article


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