Strategies for Learning Resource Management of Science Center for Education in the Northeast
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The purposes of this research were: 1) to study the components, 2) to study the management conditions
and 3) to develop the strategy of learning resource management. This is a qualitative Research. Sample groups used in the research were 5 administrators of the science centers, 10 experts, and 32 stakeholders. The tools used for data collection were interview form, analyzed by using content analysis, and strategy
evaluation forms.
The research results were as follows:
1. The components of the learning resource management of the science center for education in the northeast region comprised 9 aspects which are 1) planning, 2) organizing, 3) controlling, 4) managing activity and knowledge service, 5) development of activity model and learning process, 6) publication and service of learning activity model, 7) development of teachers and educational personnel, 8) promoting and supporting networking partners and 9) manage learning environment with media, innovation and culture.
2. From the analysis of the environment, the conditions of learning resource management of
the science center, there were 32 issues of strength, 28 weaknesses, 15 opportunities and 14 threats.
3. The development of strategies for learning resource management of the science center consisted of 6 strategies with 19 measures and 31 indicators.
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