The Effects of Applying Seven Learning Cycle Lesson Plans integrated with Graphic Plot Techniques and Regular Lesson Plan to Enhance Learning Achievement in Sciences Subject of Students Prathomsuksa 6

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Rewadee Sukchum
Wan Dechpichai
Nongnaphat Makchoochit


The current research aims (1) to develop and measure the effectiveness of the lesson plan utilizing seven learning cycle lesson plan and graphic plot techniques, (2) to compare student’s achievement of pretest and posttest taken from students who were taught with seven learning cycle lesson plan integrated with graphic plot techniques, and (3) to compare students’ achievement of progressive test, between students who were taught with seven learning cycle lesson plan with graphic plot techniques and the ones who were taught with regular lesson plan. Subjects in this research were 64 students divided into two groups which consisted of 32 students for each group. The sample groups were selected, using simple random sampling, from 75 students studying in Prathomsuksa 6 (known as the sixth grade of a primary school) at Wat Chajeorn Rom Mueng School. Research tools used comprised of a lesson plan utilizing seven learning cycle management plan integrated with graphic plot techniques, a regular lesson plan and an achievement test. Statistics used were independent and dependent t-test.
There were three major findings. First, the seven learning cycle lesson plan integrated with graphic plot techniques had a sufficient qualification equating to 84.31/82.50. Second, posttest score of the students who were taught with seven learning cycle lesson plan and graphic plot techniques was higher than the pretest score. Last, the students who were taught with seven learning cycle lesson plan had higher achievement test score than the control group.

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How to Cite
Sukchum, R., Dechpichai, W., & Makchoochit, N. (2020). The Effects of Applying Seven Learning Cycle Lesson Plans integrated with Graphic Plot Techniques and Regular Lesson Plan to Enhance Learning Achievement in Sciences Subject of Students Prathomsuksa 6. Princess of Naradhiwas University Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 7(2), 1–15. retrieved from
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