Arrangement of Learning Environment to Promote Learning Skills in the 21st Century “Concept Theory and Practice”

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Wisana Abdulloh
Wuttichai Niemted


The 21st century is the age of changes in various aspects including technological, social and cultural aspects. Preparing learners to be ready to learn necessary skills in the world of changes enables them to grow with more knowledge and to be applied for living for a quality life. Nevertheless, a component that is essential to promote the learning skills in the 21stcentury for learners is to provide good and suitable learning environment. Since the role of teachers in the 21st century changes from being a lecturer to a facilitator, learners learn from practices and real situations and they are able to seek knowledge by themselves. Therefore, creating and providing a suitable learning environment can lead to the teaching of the 21st century skills of teachers reaching to fruitful outcomes.
Learning environment to enhance the 21st century learning skills is divided into
2 components: physical and psychological learning environments. The physical environment both inside and outside classroom should be properly provided to support the learning while psychological environment should be arranged to support the construction of good relationship and good feelings among learners; to inspire and to make them feel comfortable in learning. The arrangement of the two factors combined could lead to an effective learning. According to the findings, it is suggested to educators and persons involved in education can employ such practices as guidelines for further applications in their educational institutions.

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How to Cite
Abdulloh, W. ., & Niemted, W. . (2020). Arrangement of Learning Environment to Promote Learning Skills in the 21st Century “Concept Theory and Practice”. Princess of Naradhiwas University Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 7(2), 227–246. Retrieved from
Academic articles


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