Marketing Strategies to Increase Potential of Community Products: Artificial Arts and Ceramic Souvenirs using Integrated Wisdom with Business Models

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Chonlakan Satabodee


This research objective was to study guidelines and marketing strategies to increase potential of community products; artificial arts and ceramic souvenirs, by integrating wisdom with business models. This was qualitative research using descriptive statistics to analyze data. The structure interview form was used to collect data for in-depth interviews. The group targets were 42 OTOP (artificial arts and souvenirs) entrepreneurs in 14 southern provinces. Each interview question was verified its content validity, and received overall IOC at 0.66.
The research results found that guidelines to increase potential of community products; OTOP artificial arts and ceramic souvenirs by integrated wisdom with business models divided into two ways: 1) develop groups of entrepreneur and 2) develop product selection criteria. The strategies to increase potential of the community products by integrated wisdom with business model canvas included 6 strategies: 1) market share strategy; target customers, 2) brand value building strategy; having product story, 3) marketing strategy focusing on contents, 4) bee buzz strategy, 5) sale promotion strategy and 6) product differentiation strategy.

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How to Cite
Satabodee, C. (2020). Marketing Strategies to Increase Potential of Community Products: Artificial Arts and Ceramic Souvenirs using Integrated Wisdom with Business Models. Princess of Naradhiwas University Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 8(1), 174–193. Retrieved from
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