The Development of Competency on Learning Management by Using the Lesson Study of Thai Teachers Elementary Schools in Nonthaburi Province

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Suwannee Yahakorn


The objectives of this study were 1) to enhance teachers' competencies on learning management using Lesson Study of Thai teachers in elementary schools in Nonthaburi province and 2) to study the guidance for the implementation of best practices using Lesson Study in schools in Nonthaburi province. The study was a participatory action research. The research participants were 5 Thai teachers from 2 elementary schools in Nonthaburi province, selected by purposive sampling technique. The researcher played the outsider role and the 5 teachers were practitioners. The research was divided into 2 phases; 1) before using Lesson Study and 2) between using Lesson Study. There were 3 processes in phrase 2 which were (1) planning the lesson, (2) teaching and observing the lesson and (3) reflecting the lesson on its effects. The research instruments were a test and teaching observation and reflection forms. The statistic were percentage and content analysis. The findings from this research were as follows: teachers' competencies on learning management using Lesson Study of Thai teachers in as elementary schools increased at least one level. The guidance which found after having applied Lesson Study were: 1) Lesson Study members should have time in every process; planning, observing and reflecting, 2) there were tools namely an observation form and a reflecting form to help in an observation, 3) teachers were supervised, given advice and supported in developing Lesson Study by an outside expert, and 4) they should be able to be self-analysis and systematically find the way to develop themselves.

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How to Cite
Yahakorn, S. (2020). The Development of Competency on Learning Management by Using the Lesson Study of Thai Teachers Elementary Schools in Nonthaburi Province. Princess of Naradhiwas University Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 7(2), 89–106. Retrieved from
Research Article
Author Biography

Suwannee Yahakorn, sukhothaithammatirat university

curriculum and instruction


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