Needs Assessment of Tourist Community Base Tourism in 5 Southern Border Provinces of Thailand (Satun, Songkhla, Pattani, Yala and Narathiwat): Empirical Data to Enhance Communities’ Capacity

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Danuvat Suwanvong
Patarapong Kreoksakul
Thitiwan Cheewawiphas


This research aimed to study of needs of tourists visiting the target communities in the 5 southern border provinces of Thailand and to study relationship of needs of tourists visiting the target communities in the 5 southern border provinces of Thailand in order to be used as empirical data to enhance communities’ capacity through various activities. This study was a quantitative research. The tool used to collect data was tourist needs assessment form. The samples were 400 tourists visiting in 10 communities as follows: 1) Phayabangsa community in Satun province, 2) Bakanyai community in Satun province, 3) Klongdan community in Songkhla province, 4) Thahin community in Songkhla province, 5) Bangphu community in Pattani province 6) Saikhaw community in Pattani province, 7) Jurapond Patana 10 community in Yala province, 8) Jurapond Patana 9 community in Yala province, 9) Watchontara Singhe in Narathiwat province, and 10) Jurapond Patana 12 community in Narathiwat province. Data were analyzed using mean, standard deviation and correlation analysis. The results showed the overall requirements of tourists were at a high level (X= 3.96). When considering each aspect, it showed that the needs of tourists were at a high level in all 7 aspects. The natural resources had the highest level (X= 4.18), followed by the specification for tourist attractions within the community (X = 4.04). As for the relationship of tourists' needs, it was discovered that the food and services/souvenirs received the highest level (r = 0.642), followed by the tourist attractions within the community and the natural resources (r = 0.638).

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How to Cite
Suwanvong, D., Kreoksakul, P., & Cheewawiphas, T. . (2020). Needs Assessment of Tourist Community Base Tourism in 5 Southern Border Provinces of Thailand (Satun, Songkhla, Pattani, Yala and Narathiwat): Empirical Data to Enhance Communities’ Capacity. Princess of Naradhiwas University Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 8(1), 61–78. Retrieved from
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