Development of Instructional Package on Holistic Nursing Practice using Simulation-Based Learning for Nursing students

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Supalak Thanaroj
Wandee Surmak
Weerawan Kerdthong
Rungnapa Chantra


The research study aimed 1) to develop the instructional package on the topic of holistic nursing practice using Simulation-based learning for nursing students, in which the instructional learning was set as having efficiency according to the standard criterion of 80/80; 2) to compare learning performance in Principles and techniques in nursing: holistic nursing practice before and after using the instructional package, and 3) to study students’ satisfaction towards the instructional package. The sample in this research was 133 second-year nursing students enrolled in the Principles and techniques in nursing course. The instruments consisted of a researcher-developed instructional package on the topic of holistic nursing practice using Simulation-based learning for nursing students, questionnaires assessing holistic nursing skills, achievement test and satisfaction questionnaire on the instructional package learning. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics (means and standard deviations) and paired t-test.
The study revealed the following results: 1) The researcher-developed instructional package had a level of efficiency at 82.16/86.42 within 80/80 criterion. 2) The learning achievement score in Principles and techniques in nursing on the topic of holistic nursing practice for the 2nd year nursing students after using the instructional package was significantly higher than that before using the instructional package (p <.001). The overall score of students’ satisfaction on learning with the instructional package was ranked at a high level.
The results of this research recommend to use the instructional package on the topic of holistic nursing practice using Simulation-based learning for teaching nursing students.

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How to Cite
Thanaroj, S. ., Surmak, W., Kerdthong, W., & Chantra, R. (2021). Development of Instructional Package on Holistic Nursing Practice using Simulation-Based Learning for Nursing students. Princess of Naradhiwas University Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 8(2), 84–107. Retrieved from
Research Article


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