The Packaging Development of Processed Amphidromous Fish to Increase Economic Value in the Watershed Area of Songkhla Lake, Khuan Niang District, Songkhla Province

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Nitchakarn Noo-urai


The purposes of this article were to develop packaging for processed amphidromous fish in Khuan Niang District, Songkhla Province and to assess the customers’ satisfaction of new packaging. For qualitative research, the key informants were the community leader and members of the village. The structured interview was conducted to collect data. For quantitative research, customers who have purchased and/or have consumed the products were the target groups. A total of 400 customers were included in the study using purposive sampling method and convenience sampling method. The questionnaire was used to collect data. For data analysis, descriptive interpretation was used to analyze qualitative data aiming to summarize information for packaging development. Mean and standard deviation were used to analyze quantitative data. The study found that the needs for packaging development were chili fish paste which should be used transparent jar with paper band and stickers, and its label should be in red tones; dried fish with herbs should be packed in double-sided screened zip lock bag, blue tones; dried fish should be packed in screened vacuum bag, blue tones. All three products should have a four-tiered tiffin logo on top which represents Khok Muang village, this shows the identity of the community. The results of customers’ satisfaction toward development the packaging were as follows: the overall satisfaction of chili fish paste package was at a high level. The overall satisfaction of dried fish with herbs package was at the highest level. Last, the overall satisfaction of dried fish package was at the highest level.

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How to Cite
Noo-urai, N. . (2022). The Packaging Development of Processed Amphidromous Fish to Increase Economic Value in the Watershed Area of Songkhla Lake, Khuan Niang District, Songkhla Province. Princess of Naradhiwas University Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 9(1), 76–90. Retrieved from
Research Article


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