Development of Teachers’ Potential in Conducting a Classroom Action Research to Enhance Learners’ Characteristics based on CCPR Model

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Chaivat Chumnasiao
Arkom Eungpuang


The purposes of the study were 1) to study problems in conducting classroom action research of school teachers working under Chaiyaphum Secondary Educational Service Area Office in the year of 2019, 2) to improve the teachers’ potential in conducting a classroom research which consists of the ability in designing instructional system to enhance students’ characteristics based on CCPR model, the ability in writing a research proposal and the ability in writing a research paper which all task must receive a high standard level or above. The sample were 50 teachers teaching in 8 subjects from 5 schools under Chaiyaphum Secondary Educational Service Area Office. Tools used were 1) 3 sets of practice kits, and 2) an evaluation form (divided in 3 parts). Statistics used were , S.D., percentage and result interpretation of average criteria.
The findings showed that 1) 54 percent of teachers were able to design their instructional system for the classroom action research, 23 percent of teachers were able to write the research proposal before conducting their classroom action research and 10 percent of teachers succeed in publishing their research paper in journals, 2) teachers could design the instructional system to promote learners’ characteristics with a high level (X = 4.89, S.D. =0.32), 3) teachers could write the research proposal with a high level (X = 4.91, S.D. = 0.23), and 4) teachers could write the research papers and published in academic journals with a high level. (X=4.87, S.D. =0.30).

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How to Cite
Chumnasiao, C. ., & Eungpuang, A. . . (2022). Development of Teachers’ Potential in Conducting a Classroom Action Research to Enhance Learners’ Characteristics based on CCPR Model . Princess of Naradhiwas University Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 9(1), 239–257. retrieved from
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