Development of a Learning Activity Package Based on Carl R. Roger’s Instructional Model for Enhancing Professional Competencies in Safety and Mechanic Tool Use of the 1st Year Vocational Certificate Students, Songkhla Polytechnic College

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Anurak Nunkaew
Nongnaphat Makchuchit
Arisra Boonrat


This study aimed to develop a learning activity package on safety and use of mechanic tools. The research participants were 31 first-year vocational certificate students from the Department of Automotive Mechanics, Songkhla Polytechnic College, year of 2021. This study intended 1) to develop a learning activity package on safety and use of mechanic tools and determine its efficiency according to the specified criteria E 1 / E 2 = 80 / 80; 2) to measure and compare the learning performance of students before and after teaching with the learning activity package; and 3) to study the satisfaction of students toward the teaching kit. This research utilized a single-group model of student-participants measured before and after treatments using pre-test and post-test designs. Statistics used to analyze data included mean, standard deviation and t-test.
The results of this study showed that 1) the efficiency of the teaching kit on safety and use of mechanic tools was higher than the specified criteria of 80/80, obtained an actual efficiency value of 83.01/84.36; 2) the comparison of learning outcomes before and after teaching with the learning activity package revealed that students in the first-year of vocational certificate had significantly higher achievement scores after studying with the learning activity package at 0.01 level; and 3) the students’ satisfaction toward the teaching kit was at the highest level (mean = 4.85).

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How to Cite
Nunkaew, A. ., Makchuchit, N. ., & Boonrat, A. . (2022). Development of a Learning Activity Package Based on Carl R. Roger’s Instructional Model for Enhancing Professional Competencies in Safety and Mechanic Tool Use of the 1st Year Vocational Certificate Students, Songkhla Polytechnic College. Princess of Naradhiwas University Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 9(2), 112–129. Retrieved from
Research Article


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