The Administrative Process Of The School Administrators And The Effectiveness Of The Vocational Institution In Yala Province

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Seri Pakdee
Jarunee Kao-ian
Navarat Waichompu


This survey research study aimed 1) to study the administrative process and the effectiveness of vocational Institutions, 2) to compare the administrative process and the effectiveness of the vocational Institutions according to different variables, for example, genders, ages, educational levels, positions/duties and working experiences and 3) to study the relationship between administrative process of school administrators and the effectiveness of the vocational Institutions. The samples of this research were 208 administrators and teachers of the vocational Institutions located in Yala province, selected based on Krejcie & Morgan (1970). Data were analyzed by statistics including frequencies, percentages, means, standard deviation, T-test and F-test, and Pearson Correlation.
The research results were as follows:
1) Overall, the administrative process and the effectiveness of the vocational Institutions was at a high level ( X= 4.20 and = 4.24), 2) The results of the comparison of administrative process, according to the variables of genders, ages, educational levels, positions/duties and working experiences, was found that overall aspect had no difference, and the results of the comparison of the effectiveness of the vocational Institutions, classified by gender was statistically significant at .05 while position, age educational levels, positions/duties and experiences were not different, 3) The relationship between the administrative process of school administrators and the effectiveness of the vocational Institutions, was relatively high with positive correlation at a statistical significant level of .01.

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How to Cite
Pakdee, S. ., Kao-ian, J., & Waichompu, N. . (2022). The Administrative Process Of The School Administrators And The Effectiveness Of The Vocational Institution In Yala Province. Princess of Naradhiwas University Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 9(2), 95–111. Retrieved from
Research Article


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