Appropriate Models and Guidelines for Chinese Language Teaching and learning Management for General Education Course Students: Case Study of Prince of Songkla University, Hat Yai Campus
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The purpose of this research was to study the effective models and approaches in Chinese language teaching for general education course. This qualitative research were collected data through in-depth interviews and group discussion The samples were registered students and instructors from Chinese language course, the general education course of second semester of 2021, Faculty of Arts Prince of Songkla University Hat Yai Campus. The data from 15 samples were analyzed using content analysis. The results of the research found that 1) a major problem was that the number of teaching hours per week was too small, 2) there was a need for teachers to emphasize their teaching areas on listening, speaking and reading skills, and less on writing; daily life contents with various practice activities in class should be emphasized, 3) the effective models and guidelines were suggested in 3 aspects: First, before enrollment, providing an orientation or course related information through various channels is needed. Second, during the course, learning Chinese through activities which allows students to practice and learn in and outside the classroom would be an advantage. Last, at the end of the course, it should assess students’ performance according to the course objectives, and emphasize on Chinese communication such as questions-answers, role play, short story telling through video clips.
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