Information Perception and Use of Public Relation Media of Ban Lat Agricultural Cooperative Limited Members
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Due to the epidemic situation of "Covid-19" since late 2019, members of Ban Lad Agricultural Cooperative Limited face the issue of information perception affecting the effectiveness of cooperative business or service participation. Therefore, the objectives of this study are: 1) to study the information perception of members, 2) to study members' public media usage, 3) to study the relationship between personal factors and the information perception of members, 4) to study the difference between personal factors and public media usage of members and 5) to study the relationship between the information perception and public media usage of members. Sample were 408 cooperative members calculated by stratified random sampling and quota sampling from each business category. The instrument is questionnaire. Data were analyzed by frequency, percentage, mean and standard deviation. The hypothesis was tested by t-test, One-way ANOVA and chi-square test for correlation analysis with 0.05 statistical significance. The results showed that the information perception among members is high. Members perceive information about loans and savings the most. The public media usage of members is high using website the most. Personal factors have a relation with the information perception of members. The different personal factors have difference in public media usage. The information perception is correlated with public media usage of members.
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