Project Evaluation on Fostering Morals and Ethics in Watthummikaram Municipal School, Prachuapkhirikhan Municipallity, Prachuapkhirikhan District, Prachuapkhirikhan Province

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Anyarat Namuang


DOI: 10.14456/pnuhuso.2023.5

The research was to evaluate context, input, process and product of the project on fostering morals and ethics in Watthummikaram Municipal School, Prachuapkhirikhan District, Prachuapkhirikhan Province based on Stufflebeam’s CIPPI model. The samples were 32 administrators and teachers, 14 basic education committee, 348 students from Grade 1-9 and students’ parents, selected by stratified random sampling based on Krejcie and Morgan’s table The tools used comprised of a 5-level rating scale questionnaire. Data were analyzed by descriptive statistics; namely percentages, means, standard deviations.
The results revealed that 1) Concerning context, input, process and product evaluation, the administrators, teachers and the basic education committee rated the highest level on the school’s project on fostering morals and ethics. on School Campus. 2) Concerning Input Evaluation, the administrators, teachers and the basic education school committee also rated the a highest agreed on the input Evaluation of the school’s project on Fostering Moral and Ethics on School. 3) Concerning Process Evaluation, the administrators, teachers, the school committee as well as the students a highest agreed on the Process Evaluation of the school’s project on Fostering Moral and Ethics on School 4) From the survey questionnaire, the satisfaction of students towards the school’s project received the highest level. 5) In term of impact evaluation, the administrators, teachers, the basic education committee, students and their parents agreed that the school’s project had the highest level of impact on students.

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How to Cite
Namuang, A. . (2023). Project Evaluation on Fostering Morals and Ethics in Watthummikaram Municipal School, Prachuapkhirikhan Municipallity, Prachuapkhirikhan District, Prachuapkhirikhan Province. Princess of Naradhiwas University Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 10(2), 72–93. Retrieved from
Research Article


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