The Development of Colored Pencil Drawing Skill Using a Colored Pencil Drawing Instructional Package under Art Learning Subject Area for Grade 1 Students at Satthawittayanusorn School, Raman District, Yala Province

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Fatin Madeng
Rosnee Chariyamakarn
Chittima Manakarn
Mareeyah Puteh
Yupawan Srisawat
Supphakit Prachumkayohmat


This research was quasi-experimental research aimed to 1) compare colored pencil drawing skills before and after study under art learning subject area of grade 1 students who were taught and practiced their drawing skills with the use of colored pencil instructional package and 2) compare colored pencil drawing skills under art learning subject area of grade 1 students who were taught and practiced their drawing skills with the use of colored pencil instructional package with students who were taught by usual approach. The target used in this research were 2 rooms of grade 1 students in the second semester of the academic year 2020 at Satthawittayanusorn School. There were 60 students in total, divided into 1 experimental and 1 control group. However, they were randomly picked by drawing lots. The research instruments were 6 lesson plans of colored pencil drawing skill instructional package and 6 lesson plans of usual approach learning, colored pencil drawing skill package, and colored pencil drawing skill assessment form. The validity analysis of the lesson plans using colored pencil drawing skill instructional package and using usual approach from 3 experts had IOC values between 0.67-1.00. The colored pencil drawing skill package had IOC value between 0.67-1.00, colored pencil drawing skill assessment form had the IOC value of 1.00, and the reliability of Cronbach's alpha coefficient value was equivalent to 0.762. The statistics used in analyzing the data were mean, standard deviation, and relative gain score.
The results showed that 1) Grade 1 students who passed in using colored pencil drawing skill instructional package had higher average scores after studying (µ=16) than before (µ=11.47), and achieved the average relative gain score of 53.11 with a high level of development. 2) Grade 1 students who passed with the practice of colored pencil drawing skill instructional package had achieved the average relative gain score of 53.11, which was higher than students who were taught by usual approach and obtained the achievement of the average relative gain score as 33.18.

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How to Cite
Madeng , F. ., Chariyamakarn, R. ., Manakarn, C., Puteh, M. ., Srisawat, Y. ., & Prachumkayohmat, S. . (2023). The Development of Colored Pencil Drawing Skill Using a Colored Pencil Drawing Instructional Package under Art Learning Subject Area for Grade 1 Students at Satthawittayanusorn School, Raman District, Yala Province. Princess of Naradhiwas University Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 10(1), 58–76. Retrieved from
Research Article


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