Effectiveness of Online Marketing Communication in Small Businesses from Consumers’ Perspective
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Online marketing communication is an increasingly popular marketing tool due to its easy accessibility to consumers. This study aimed to 1) assess the effectiveness of online marketing communication from consumers’ perspective, 2) compare the effectiveness of online marketing communication classified by personal factors, and 3) examine the relationship between digital lifestyle and the effectiveness of online marketing communication from consumers’ perspective. The sample consisted of 390 small business customers in Songkhla province. A questionnaire was used as a data collection tool. The data were analyzed by mean, standard deviation, t-test, One-way analysis of variance, and multiple correlation analysis. The results revealed that the majority of consumers were female (60.8%), under 25 years old (64.4%), studying a bachelor's degree (69.5%), being students (52.1%), self-employed (19.3%) and having an average monthly income of less than 5,000 baht (35.1%). The consumers reflected that online marketing communication was effective at a high level ( X=4.55). The level of effectiveness of online marketing communication varied according to the incomes of the consumers (F=4.932) and digital lifestyles were positively related to the effectiveness of online marketing communication. (r=0.730) Therefore, small businesses should pay more attention to online marketing communication as consumers increasingly adopt digital lifestyles.
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