A group of meanings that reflect the image of women from the perspective of Russian people: a case study of proverbs

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Parit Aroonoast



      This research examined a group of meanings that reflect the historical image of women from the perspective of Russian people by studying the proverbs or symbols related to women. The data were gathered from Russian proverb dictionaries and electronic sources, totaling 65 proverbs. The data were analyzed and categorized the meanings highlighting both positive and negative historical image of women in Russian context. The results indicated that Russians generally held more negative views towards women. The identified groups of women imagery portrayed in the proverbs include: 1) inconsistency and indecision; 2) societal responsibilities and role; 3 talkativeness and loudness; 4) intelligence; 5) conflict-making; 6) emotional centering; 7) value limitations and worthlessness; 8) stubbornness; and 9) unreliability. This study contributes to the understanding of relationship between language and culture perceptions, as well as the historical development of gender roles and attitudes in patriarchal prejudices within Russian society.

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How to Cite
Aroonoast, P. (2023). A group of meanings that reflect the image of women from the perspective of Russian people: a case study of proverbs. Princess of Naradhiwas University Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 10(2), 239–259. Retrieved from https://so05.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/pnuhuso/article/view/265274
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