The development of a model to promote SMEs entrepreneurs in the agro- processing industry in three southern border provinces

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Srongyot Sarapab
Teravuti Boonyasopon
Somnoek Wisuttipaet



       This qualitative research regarding on entrepreneur promotion has the objectives as follows: 1) To study the components of the SMEs promotion model. 2) To develop a promotion model for SMEs entrepreneurs. 3) To create a guideline implementing the promotion model for SMEs entrepreneurs in the agro-processing industry in three southern border provinces. The Delphi method was used including 20 experts from 5 provinces purposive sampling with purposive sampling based on specifying the provincial boundaries, namely Yala, Pattani, Narathiwat, Phatthalung and Songkhla. The expert groups consisted of industrial experts, The Federation of Thai Industries Chamber of Commerce and SMEs entrepreneurs. Data analysis involved three rounds: Round 1 analyzed the content from expert opinions, focusing on identifying recurring issues. In Rounds 2 and 3, the analysis included the following steps: 1) Calculating the median values above 3.50. 2) Calculating the difference between the mode and the median. 3) Calculating the interquartile range, which should be less than 1.50. The research findings revealed the promotion model for SMEs entrepreneurs consists of 8 main components and 43 sub-components Furthermore, the study is able to develop a promotion model for SMEs and create a guideline implementing the model in the agro-processing industry in three southern border provinces.

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How to Cite
Sarapab, S. ., Boonyasopon, T. ., & Wisuttipaet, S. . (2023). The development of a model to promote SMEs entrepreneurs in the agro- processing industry in three southern border provinces. Princess of Naradhiwas University Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 10(2), 260–280. Retrieved from
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