Wutthichai Khongyoung Advancing Product Development with Spatial Identity Through a Cold Extraction Innovation Approach: A Case Study of Yaha District Herbal Balm in Yala Province
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The objectives of this research were 1) to cultivate herbal products sourced from the rich botanical diversity of Yaha District, Yala Province, with the aim of fostering local product development; 2) to design and implement packaging and branding strategies derived from the indigenous herbs within the community and its surrounding areas; and 3) to introduce innovation approaches that enhance the value and market presence of agricultural herbs, thereby contributing to the elevation of local agricultural products specific to Yaha District. This research adopts a qualitative research approach, employing purposive sampling for participant selection. The data collection methods encompassed in-depth interviews, focus group interviews, and participant observation, serving as the primary tools to gather comprehensive insights. Data analysis was conducted through content analysis and descriptive writing methods. The research involved a total of 17 informants within the sewing clothes professions group and 13 individuals engaged in fragrant herbs production within Yaha District, Yala Province.
The findings reveal that the sampled group successfully engaged in the development of value-added products derived from locally available herbs. Additionally, the group demonstrated proficiency in crafting packaging and branding strategies utilizing indigenous herbs found within the community. Furthermore, the sampled group innovatively employed cold extraction techniques to transform locally available raw materials, unique to the area, into distinctive products that leverage the inherent advantages of the unique herbs in the area. The study also found a deficiency in marketing communication strategies and traditional distribution channels, contributing to a lack of emphasis on addressing marketing problems and creating awareness. Additionally, managerial challenges arise from unplanned logistics activities, production plans, product quality, and deficiencies in the management systems governing procurement activities, purchasing planning, and raw material management planning.
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