Pariyapim Chalongdet Attitudinal Factors Influencing Thai Language Learning Behavior Among Undergraduate Students at Princess of Naradhiwas University
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This research aims to examine the attitudes of undergraduate students toward learning the Thai language, assess the levels of Thai language learning behavior among undergraduate students, and investigate the attitudes that influence the Thai language learning behavior of students at Princess of Naradhiwas University. The quantitative sample group consisted of 237 students registered for the Thai language course. Additionally, a qualitative sample of 237 students registered for the same course was included. The research instruments employed in this study were a research questionnaire with a Cronbach's alpha coefficient of 0.937, and an interview form. Data analysis includes measures such as mean (), standard deviation (S.D.), and Pearson correlation coefficient.
The research findings indicate that attitudes of students toward studying Thai are overall at a high level (=4.08, S.D.= 0.621). Qualitative research has revealed that the simplicity of the Thai language contributes to easy reading and comprehension. Additionally, Thai is considered important due to its frequent usage. Teachers are well-prepared for instruction, and planned Thai language sessions facilitate better comprehension among students. Students' Thai language learning habits are overall at a high level (=4.12, S.D.= 0.712). Qualitative research has uncovered that students engage in both independent and classroom-based study. Students' behavior in learning Thai is positively influenced by both individual and collective attitudes, reaching statistical significance at the 0.05 level. Qualitative research suggests that maintaining a positive outlook on studying Thai encourages perseverance in the subject.
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