The development of Community-Based Tourism Routes Through a Participatory Process in Kortal community, Muang, Songkhla Province

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Suwimon Buathong
Piyanut Pornprasit


       This study explores the development of Community-Based Tourism Routes through a Participatory Process in Koh Taew Community, Muang, Songkhla Province.

      The objectives of this research are as follows:

      1) To investigate the contextual factors surrounding the Koh Taew community    located in Mueang, Songkhla Province.

       2) To assess the tourism potential of the community based on its available resources.

      3) To design activities and tourism routes tailored to the community, with a particular emphasis on community involvement.

      4) To evaluate the satisfaction levels of stakeholders with the newly established tourism route available in the area.

    The research participants involved in the development of Community-Based Tourism (CBT) include various stakeholders such as the village headman, assistant village headman, Mayor of Koh Taew Subdistrict Municipality, Permanent Secretary of Koh Taew Subdistrict Municipality, representative officials from Koh Taew Subdistrict Municipality, local philosophers, agricultural entrepreneurs, community entrepreneurs, local fishing entrepreneurs, and academics with expertise in the area, totaling 30 individuals. The researcher employed a mixed research method, initially conducting followed by quantitative analysis.

    The research findings indicate that the Koh Taew community possesses significant potential in community-based tourism, particularly in cultural, agricultural, and fisheries  dimensions. This potential presents opportunities to attract tourists across multiple facets.  Through collaborative efforts involving various villages within Koh Taew, the community can capitalize on its strengths and enhance its tourism offerings.

    Moreover, the development of tourist route centered around the concept such as the “Community Agricultural Tourism of the Koh Taew People,” offers a structured and engaging one-day trip experience.

   Tourists' satisfaction with the overall Koh Taew community tourism route testing  activity was rated at a favorable level, with a mean score of 3. 65. Examining specific aspect, tourists expressed satisfaction at a at a commendable level regarding attractions with a mean score of 3.90. Similarly, satisfaction levels for activities and tourism facilities were also high, with mean scores of 3.71 and 3.59, respectively.

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How to Cite
Buathong, S., & Pornprasit, P. (2024). The development of Community-Based Tourism Routes Through a Participatory Process in Kortal community, Muang, Songkhla Province. Princess of Naradhiwas University Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 11(2), 66–94. Retrieved from
Research Article


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