The comparative study of vocational educational administration in Thailand and Singapore


  • สุทธิพจน์ จิรถิรพรสิทธิ์ นักศึกษาหลักสูตรปรัชญาดูษฎีบัณฑิต ภาควิชาการบริหารการศึกษา มหาวิทยาลัยศิลปากร
  • ผู้ช่วยศาสตราจารย์ ว่าที่พันตรี ดร.นพดล เจนอักษร อาจารย์ที่ปรึกษาวิทยานิพนธ์ หลักสูตรปรัชญาดุษฎีบัณฑิต ภาควิชาการบริหารการศึกษา มหาวิทยาลัยศิลปากร
  • ผู้ช่วยศาสตราจารย์ ดร.ประเสริผฐ อินทร์รักษ์ อาจารย์ที่ปรึกษาวิทยานิพนธ์ หลักสูตรปรัชญาดุษฎีบัณฑิต ภาควิชาการบริหารการศึกษา มหาวิทยาลัยศิลปากร


การบริหารการศึกษา, การอาชีวศึกษา, การศึกษาเปรียบเทียบ


The purposes of this research were to determine; 1) Vocational educational administration in Thailand and Singapore 2) The comparative study of vocational educational administration in Thailand and Singapore 3) The opinions of experts about the comparative results of vocational educational administration in Thailand and Singapore. This research was the qualitative research that divided into 3 parts; 1) Analyze principles, concepts, theories, discoveries and discoveries about professional education administration in Thailand. 2) Analyze principles, concepts, theories, discoveries and discoveries about professional education administration in Singapore that were describe the processes of professional education administration in Thailand and Singapore by analytic composition summary in the Information Essay. 3) Analysis comparisons and opinions of the experts about vocational education administration in Thailand and Singapore in the table form by taking the professional education information of them. There were 18 issues to analyze, compare and summarize the analysis results and showing the experts’ opinion with comparative information to confirm consistency and the difference of the information that discovered from this research. The results of this research found that: 1. Vocational educational administration in Thailand and Singapore had 18 educational administration planning; policy, strategy, administrational system, planning, syllabus, The same or different teaching and learning management, measurement and evaluation of students’ study and teachers’ teaching, budget administration, human resources administration, student business administration, The learners, educational supervision, parents’ cooperation and supporting, technology, school educational administration, teachers’ attributes and performances, The output of educational administration and measurement and evaluation. 2. The comparative results of vocational educational administration in Thailand and Singapore had administration that there were some differences, such as the curriculum of teaching and learning in Singapore that supported employment of learners around the world., the structure of human resources administration in Singapore let the schools direct to the ministry of education, and Singapore prioritized to support the teaching and learning budget very much. Both countries had the most administration that according with research theoretical framework. 3. The expert opinions found that most of them agreed with the management system of vocational educational administration in Singapore that had effective educational administration system. The learners and the nation had benefits from this educational administration. In some Thailand educational administration, most experts disagreed with some vocational educational administration, such as internal administrational system. Budget administration, there wasn’t strategy for inviting more students to study, didn’t have supported when the student graduated to get a job, the lack of quality in the learner's measurement and evaluation system, and the quality of assurance systems in vocational educational administration. therefore, Thailand should adopt this educational administration model of Singapore to enhance the quality of Thai vocational educational administration for learners, carriers and international economy or the 21st century.


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How to Cite

จิรถิรพรสิทธิ์ ส., เจนอักษร ผ. ว. ด., & อินทร์รักษ์ ผ. ด. (2018). The comparative study of vocational educational administration in Thailand and Singapore. Pathumthani University Academic Journal, 10(1), 13–21. Retrieved from