Legal Issues Regarding to State Property Public land Lease Collection and Audit


  • ภูวดล ดำสนิท คณะนิติศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยปทุมธานี


Regarding to State Property, Public land Lease Collection


The purpose of this thesis is to study basic data, concepts, principles and legal theories with respect to Public land lease as well as laws, regulations and procedures thereof of another countries and Thailand. The thesis also studies and analyses legal issues which arisen from the public land lease collection and the resolutions regarding to the legal enforcement in this regard in Thailand in order to make a proper and effective way of the collection and therefore could sustainably resolve legal issues thereof.

             The study finds out many issues regarding to the public land lease collection, for example, the collection procedure, the problem regarding to in charge authorities, the lack of central sector and the legal measures to audit and prevent the exploitation of public land from the party to the lease contract who is a public authority to which causes the discrimination or unjust treatment to people who may want to enter into the lease of public land. The study also finds out that the existing laws in force are not covered to all relevant public authority.

             The researcher, therefore, is of the belief that there need to be an enactment of law with respect to the method of collection of public land lease as well as the providing of central sector which specifically operates the administration and the collection of data regarding to the exploitation of public lands. The qualification and proficiency of the public authorities who are in charge must be specified by law. Moreover, the civil responsibilities and criminal sanctions against the wrongdoer who violates the law must be imposed in order to prevent the exploitation of public land from the public authority party to the public land lease contract.


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State Lands Encroachments Act
Supreme Court of Judicature Act
The Code of Federal Regulations (CFR)
The National Property Law
The Public Land Act




How to Cite

ดำสนิท ภ. (2019). Legal Issues Regarding to State Property Public land Lease Collection and Audit. Pathumthani University Academic Journal, 11(1), 132–148. Retrieved from