Cultural Tourism Development : A case Study of Chanthakhlem Sub-district Khao Khichakut Chanthaburi Province
แนวทางการพัฒนา, แหล่งท่องเที่ยวเชิงวัฒนธรรมAbstract
The study on Cultural Tourism Development: A case study of Chanthakhlem Sub-district Khao Khichakut Chanthaburi Province is a Qualitative Research. The objectives of the research were, to study lifestyle, culture and traditions of indigenous communities Chanthakhlem Sub-district Khao Khitchakut Chanthaburi Province and the development a sustainable cultural tourism, by using participatory observation and interviews with key informants include parents, local community leaders, elders, scholars community and local participants and no formal interviews with people living inside Chanthakhlem Sub-district khao Khitchakut Chanthaburi Province. The study found that lineage Chong in the space of six households. Talking with Chong language and had lifestyle by using food crops, vegetables, herbs and sufficiency lifestyle. Conservation handicraft, mat dance pad coat, threshing basket, healing with a therapeutic drug of herb lineage Chong. Believe in horoscope prediction say on matters such as the holy water. These show a unique cultural and lifestyle of the lineage Chong. The study can be summarized as follows 1) Provide a proposed model to create lineage Chong and village areas. To be developed as a tourist attraction. 2) Building infrastructure Road entrance to the village, and water supply remained a problem to reach the village. 3) To create a learning center among the five District village of Chong Chanthakhlem Sub-district. 4) Assistance from government agencies and stakeholders in all sectors. 5) Creating the consciousness of the community. 6) Publicity in all forms the support from the public and private sectors as well as the various agencies involved.
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