


Tourism management, Cultural tourism, Community-based tourism, Homestay


The objective of this research is to study about tourism management by community for Baan Khun Samut Chin community. Samut Prakarn Province In the context of the change of Thai society in the age of globalization. By using the qualitative research. The interviewees are divided by three groups. First, is the community leaders of 2 people, tourist information providers associated with the community of 10 people and local people of 3 people. And participatory observation The research shows that the tourism is an industry that is growing continuously every year until becoming a large-scale industry in the country that generates huge income for Thailand. In addition, tourism is not just a vacation. But tourism also causes interaction between tourists and people in the tourist attraction itself. Therefore, many countries support tourism in various forms because tourism not only generates income for the country but also enhances learning and understanding in that culture. And community-based tourism may affect society, culture and way of life of that local community. The Baan Khun Samut Chin community has introduced a form of cultural tourism such as homestay travel to revive the quality of life and environment within the community. In addition, it is also bringing tourism to create an identity of the community for the outside world to be aware of the identity and identity of Baan Khun Samut Chin community. Moreover, the result reveals that the knowledge management of tourism management to create identity so tourism has become a part that helps to create the identity of Baan Khun Samut Chin community in the outside society. Lastly, this research is done because of the cooperation of people in the community.


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How to Cite

ITTAPICHAI, S. (2020). LOCAL TOURISM BAAN KHUN SAMUT CHIN. Pathumthani University Academic Journal, 12(1), 27–38. Retrieved from https://so05.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/ptujournal/article/view/182511