The Relationships Between Perceived Job Characteristics, the Extrovert Personality Trait, Locus of Control and the Psychological Well-Being of Registered Nurses at Piyavate Hospital.


  • สุดามาศ บุญวรรณ นักศึกษา หลักสูตรวิทยาศาสตรมหาบัณฑิต สาขาวิชาจิตวิทยาอุตสาหกรรมและองค์การ คณะศึกษาศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยรามคำแหง


Job Characteristics, the Extrovert Personality Trait, Locus of Control, Psychological Well-Being


In this thesis, the researcher examines (1) perceived job characteristics, the extrovert personality trait, locus of control, and the psychological well-being of selected registered nurses at Piyavate Hospital. The researcher also studies (2) the relationships between perceived job characteristics, the extrovert personality trait, locus of control, and the psychological well-being of these nurses. Finally, furthermore, the researcher frames (3) a predictive equation governing the psychological well-being of these nurses with perceived job characteristics, the extrovert personality trait, and locus of control as predictors. The sample population consisted of 110 registered nurses at Piyavate Hospital. The research instruments consisted of a questionnaire eliciting demographical characteristics data, a questionnaire used to measure psychological well-being, a questionnaire appertaining to perceived job characteristics, a questionnaire measuring the extrovert personality trait, and a questionnaire involving locus of control. Using techniques of descriptive statistics, the researcher analyzed the data collected in terms of percentage, mean (M), and standard deviation (SD). Pearson’s product moment correlation coefficient (PPMCC) method and multiple regression analysis (MRA)—involving successive applications of the forward selection technique—were also employed by the researcher. Findings are as follows: 1. Perceived job characteristics, the extrovert personality trait, and locus of control were found to be correlated with the psychological well-being of the nurses at the statistically significant level of .05.

  1. The variable of perceived job characteristics was the only variable that was predictive of the psychological well-being of the nurses at the statistically significant level of .05. The prediction of psychological well-being was determined to hold at 24.9 percent.


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How to Cite

บุญวรรณ ส. (2019). The Relationships Between Perceived Job Characteristics, the Extrovert Personality Trait, Locus of Control and the Psychological Well-Being of Registered Nurses at Piyavate Hospital. Pathumthani University Academic Journal, 11(1), 187–196. Retrieved from