Marketing Strategy of Skin and Face Care’s Shop


  • กรวัฒน์ หาดแก้ว คณะบริหารธุรกิจ มหาวิทยาลัยปทุมธานี


Marketing Strategy, Skin and Face Care’s Shop


This research were quantitative and qualitative research, aim to studied 1) customer behavior in services usage, 2) evaluate significant level of factors leading to marketing strategy 3) compare significant level of factors leading to marketing strategy 4) relationship between significant level of factors leading to marketing strategy and customer behavior in services usage skin and face care’s shop and 5) marketing strategy of skin and face care’s shop, by accidental sampling 385. Questionnaire was the tool to collecting data. The analysis was conducted by computer software, statistical treatments by program computer namely: frequency, percentage, means, standard deviation, ranking, Pearson Correlation, and Multiple Regression at statistical level .05, the research analyzed found that. 1. Finding indicated that overall and every area of customer behavior in services using were at very high level , however raking by mean first timing of using skin and face care’s shop( = 3.99), people who advice and participant in decision making to use services ( = 3.47),face care behavior in services usage ( = 3.46), and skin care behavior in services usage( = 3.42) respectively 2. Finding indicated that overall area in significant level of factors leading to marketing strategy were at high level, However the raking by meant firstly were employees area ( = 3.90), products area( = 3.84), and physical area ( = 3.69) at high level, but price area ( = 3.40) and promotion area ( = 3.24) at moderate level respectively. 3. There were not significant different in significant level of factors leading to marketing strategy classified by age education attain. But there were significant different classified by gender and married status at statistic significant level .05 4. There were at high relationship level between significant level of factors leading to marketing strategy and customer behavior in services usage in term of face care behavior in services usage, people who advice and participant in decision making to use services, and timing of using skin and face care’s shop, but moderate relationship interim of skin care behavior in services usage area. 5. Marketing strategy of skin and face care’s shop = 8.117 employees strategy + 7.231products strategy + 6.672physical strategy + 5.358 services process strategy + 4.761 promotion strategy 4.324 price strategy.


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How to Cite

หาดแก้ว ก. (2019). Marketing Strategy of Skin and Face Care’s Shop. Pathumthani University Academic Journal, 11(2), 232–246. Retrieved from