The Guidelines for Development of Elderly Schools Performance in Lopburi Province


  • โกสินล์ ชี้ทางดี ปรัชญาดุษฎีบัณฑิต มหาวิทยาลัยเกษมบัณฑิต


Development, School, Elderly


The objectives of this research were to study the conditions for the development of elderly school Performance in Lopburi province, study the problems, obstacles and approaches for the development of elderly school Performance in Lopburi province. The data were collecting by documents, non-participant observation, in-depth interview and focus group discussions. The research findings were as follows: The conditions for the development of elderly school Performance in Lopburi province revealed that leaders or the chief executives of the local administrative organizations had less prioritize, less amount of elderly to be participate, guest speakers did not adequate, have no place for formal installation of the elderly school so that utilized temporally the buildings of temple or local administrative organizations. The some elderly learned but did not ends of curriculum and having problem of their health. The problems, obstacles for the Performance of the development of elderly school Performance in Lopburi province revealed that there were not enough budgets, unclear targets of elderly school, the less participate because the reason of non-convenience in transport and their health, some elderly could not learned until end of curriculum, lack of expert guest speakers, there were no suitable place to install schools. The approaches for the development of elderly school Performance in Lopburi province composed of the creation of all sector or relevance agencies for participation, provided the environment in according to activities such as utilized the place for suitable activities which were the elderly ease to participate, screening the elderly who were clear deserved to help for the development, suitable communication, setting up schedule, creating leaders, and the curriculum contents in according to the needs of elderly. It should be created confidence by provided safety home for the less opportunity elderly as well as pay more for subsistence allowance based on standard of living in order to sustainable Performance of the development of elderly school.


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How to Cite

ชี้ทางดี โ. (2019). The Guidelines for Development of Elderly Schools Performance in Lopburi Province. Pathumthani University Academic Journal, 11(2), 324–335. Retrieved from