
  • ศักดิพัฒน์ พลิคามินทร์ วิทยาลัยการบริหาร มหาวิทยาลัยบูรพา


Creative Leadership, Innovation Organization, Job satisfaction, the performance


This research aims to 1) To study the performance levels of sub district municipality executive officer operation in the eastern Area. 2) To confirm a structural relationship of  a causal relationship model of the factors affecting sub district municipality executive officer operation in the eastern area that depend on empirical data. 3) To study direct effects, indirect effects, and total effects to affecting sub district municipality executive officer operation in the eastern area. The population for this research are Chief Executive of Sub district Municipality and Deputy Chief Executive of Sub district Municipality which the offices were located in seven provinces in the eastern area of Thailand such as Chanthaburi Province Chachoengsao Chon Buri Province, Trat Province, Prachinburi Province, Rayong Province and Sa Kaeo Province 531 people in 178 sub district municipality department of provincial administration. The Sample was 400 peoples and used stratified sampling then, simply complete the sampling with the desired amount. The data collection instrument was questionnaire, data analysis with path analysis with mathematical packages to confirm a structural relationship of  a causal relationship model of the factors affecting sub district municipality executive officer operation in the eastern area : A Case Study of sub district municipality with empirical data through path analysis by mathematical packages to confirm a structural relationship of  model.

            The results revealed that

  1. A Causal Relationship Model Of The factors Affecting Sub districtMunicipality Executive Officer Operation in The Eastern Area. The performance found that overall of sub district municipality executive officer operation are very good that classified as follows In time work is a very good operational level give the first priority, Next to responsibility is a very good operational level giving the second priority, Work behavior. is a very good operational level giving third priority, Workload is a very good operational level gives the  fourth, and Quality of work. is a very good operational level giving priority to the last.
  1. The strategic operation patterns of the performance of sub districtMunicipality executive officer operation in the eastern area is developed that conform to empirical data through considering from the accordance index which consisted of c2 = .00 , df = 1, p-value = .99 , CFI = 1.00 , TLI = 1.00 , RMSEA = .00 , SRMR = .00 and c2/df = .00
  1. Direct effects such as Creative Leadership, Innovation Organization and job satisfaction positive direct effecting towards the performance of sub district municipality executive officer operation in the eastern area at level .01. The coefficient of direct influence found that the coefficient of maximum influence size with the first 1.62 (p<.01) job satisfaction 1.62 (p<.01), and indirect effects found that the Creative Leadership indirect affecting towards the performance of sub district municipality executive officer operation in the eastern area by passing the participation of innovation organizations with statistically significance at the .01 level, respectively and the Creative Leadership indirect affecting towards the performance of sub district municipality executive officer operation in the eastern area by passing the job satisfaction with statistical significance at the level of .01 with a coefficient of influence equal to 1.04 when considering the overall influence that affects the performance of sub-district administrators in the eastern region, it is found that creative leadership has the coefficient of maximum influence size with the first 1.62 (p<.01). Next is leadership. The creative influence coefficient has a total influence size of .33 (p<.01) and an innovation organization has a total influence coefficient of -1.67 (p<.01) is the last.


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How to Cite

พลิคามินทร์ ศ. (2020). A CAUSAL RELATIONSHIP MODEL OF FACTORS THAT INFLUENCE PERFORMANCE OF ADMINISTRATORS IN LOCAL GOVERNMENT ORGANIZATIONS IN THE EASTERN REGION. Pathumthani University Academic Journal, 12(2), 36–52. retrieved from https://so05.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/ptujournal/article/view/242003