
  • ชูตระกูล ไชยเสนา องค์การบริหารส่วนตำบล ท่าข้าม อำเภอค่ายบางระจัน จังหวัดสิงห์บุรี


Roles, Leadership


The purposes of this research were to study: 1) to roles of local Administrative Organizations in Sing Buri Province; 2) to leadership of local Administrative Organizations in Sing Buri Province; and 3) to roles Affecting leadership of local Administrative Organizations in Sing Buri Province. The Sample Used in quantitative research is Employees who perform duties in the local government organization in Sing Buri Province in the amount of 310 people, The sample group Used in qualitative research, including High-level executives of local government organizations in Sing Buri Province, totaling 33 people. The instrumentation used in this research were questionnaire and In-depth interview. and data analyzed was carried out via statistical treatment of mean, standard deviation, and Multiple Regression Analysis. 

            The results were as follows: 1) Overall roles of local Administrative Organizations was at a high level. Individually, they could be rank from high to low as follows: The role of professional managers, Local symbolic role, Effective lead role, Role in driving good governance, The role is a democratic model, respectively. 2) Overall Leadership of local administrative organizations was at a high level. Individually, they could be rank from high to low as follows: Enthusiasm Knowledge in the job, followed by Honesty and Ethics Power Leadership and self confidence, respectively. 3) The roles of local administrative organizations upon leadership of local administrative organizations via linear equation coned predict administration by 76.70 percent. 4) The hypothesis testing found that roles of local administrative organizations Effective lead role, Local symbolic role, The role of professional managers, The role is a democratic model, Role in driving good governance of Leadership of local administrative organizations affairs with statistical significance at the level of .05.


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How to Cite

ไชยเสนา ช. (2020). ROLES AND LEADERSHIP OF LOCAL ADMINISTRATIVE ORGANIZATIONS IN SING BURI PROVINCE. Pathumthani University Academic Journal, 12(2), 303–316. Retrieved from