
  • มุทิตา ภู่ระหงษ์ คณะรัฐศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยปทุมธานี


Communication, Effectiveness, Administration Organizations


The purposes of this research were to study 1) The level of people's opinion on communication of the administrators of the Subdistrict Administration Organizations in SuratThani Province 2) The level of administrative effectiveness of the subdistrict administration organizations in SuratThani Province and 3) The level of people's opinion on the executive communication, affecting the effectiveness of the administration of the subdistrict administration organizations in SuratThani Province. Population used in quantitative research 347,731 peoples sample was 384 employees in the of Sub-District Municipalities of SuratThani Province; The Population used in the qualitative research samples were 17 Executives of Districts in SuratThani Province. The tools used in the study were questionnaire for quantitative research and in-depth interviews for qualitative research. Data were then analyzed by means, standard deviation and multiple regression analysis. It was found from the study that: Overall communication of the subdistrict administration organizations administrators was at a high level. Individually, it could be ranked from high to low as follows: Top-to-bottom communication style, Crossover communication style, Horizontal communication style and Bottom-up communication pattern, respectively. Overall effectiveness of the administration of the Subdistrict Administration Organization in SuratThani Province was at a high level. Individually, it could be ranked from high to low, as follows: organization leadership, human resource focus. action results Strategic planning, measurement, analysis, and knowledge management process management giving priority to service recipients and stakeholders, respectively.; The communication of the executives that affecting the effectiveness of the administration of the subdistrict administration organization in SuratThani Province was able to predict the effectiveness of management by 78.10%.


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How to Cite

ภู่ระหงษ์ ม. (2021). EXECUTIVE COMMUNICATION AFFECTING ADMINISTRATIVE EFFECTIVENESS OF SUBDISTRICT ADMINISTRATION ORGANIZATIONS IN SURAT THANI PROVINCE. Pathumthani University Academic Journal, 13(1), 309–327. Retrieved from https://so05.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/ptujournal/article/view/249978