
  • เรืองวิทย์ ครองยุติ


Political participation, Surat Thani Province Municipalities


The purposes of this research were to study 1) level of Political Participation and 2) factors that influence Political Participation of the people in Surat Thani municipalities. The population was 396,599 peoples. Sample in this study was divided in two group: in the quantitative research samples were 384. As for qualitative research, respondents respectively chosen were district officers 17. The instruments used for data collecting in this research were 2 types which were Questionnaire and In-depth interview for qualitative research. Confidence was .937. The tools used in the study were: questionnaire for quantitative research and In-dept interviews. The analyzed of data was carried via percentage, frequencies, means, standard deviation and multiple regression.

It was found from the study that: 1) Overall opinions towards factors affecting Political Participation of people in Surat Thani Municipalities were at a moderate level and when considering each aspect, it was found that the level of participation was at a moderate level in all aspects. The aspects in order of highest to lowest average were political environment. Social aspects of political stimuli The perception of information, political knowledge and understanding economic aspect and satisfaction in policy and administration respectively Individually, it could be ranked from high to low as follows: such as political environment Social aspects, political stimuli, Information perception, political knowledge and understanding economic and satisfaction in policies and administration respectively; Overall level of Political Participation of people in the municipality Surat Thani province, were at a moderate level. Individually it could be ranked from high to low as follows as: real lowest or highest, moderate; 2) Factors could predict political participation of People in Surat Thani Municipality that political factors, information perception, political stimuli, political environment, society, economy, satisfaction in policy and administration influences by 78.20%. statistically significant at the .05.


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How to Cite

เรืองวิทย์. (2021). FACTORS AFFECTING POLITICAL IMPINGING UPON PARTICIPATION OF PEOPLE IN SURAT THANI PROVINCE MUNICIPALITES. Pathumthani University Academic Journal, 13(2), 222–237. Retrieved from https://so05.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/ptujournal/article/view/252582