
  • sureerut inmor Assoc. Prof. Dr.


Marketing Mix, Purchase Decision, Line Application


The objective of this research was to study factor affecting intention to purchase goods via Line Official Account for Consumer in Pathum Thani Province. These include demographic factors in terms of gender, age, education level, occupation, average monthly income, and marketing mix factors (4P) such as product, price, place, marketing promotion. The samples used in the study were 400 consumers in Pathum Thani province who used to shop via the LINE application. The tool used to collect data was an online questionnaire. The statistics used to analyze the data were percentage, mean, standard deviation, variance, value of t-test, F-test and Pearson Correlation at .05 statistical significances.

The results showed that most of the samples were female, average age 31.17 years, average income 18,688-baht, marital status, undergraduate education, occupation in a private company. In terms of overall marketing mix factor, it is at the highest level while the distribution channel had the highest average of 4.43 (S.D.=.70). The overall purchasing decision was at the highest level while the perceived need was the highest mean of 4.49 (S.D.=.71).

The hypothesis testing revealed that the factors of income, status, and level of education had a statistically significant effect on the difference in the purchases made through the LINE application. As for the marketing mix factor, it was found that there was a moderate correlation with the purchasing decision with statistical significance in descending order as follows: Product factor (r=.44), distribution channel factor (r=.44), price and fee factor (r=.42), and marketing promotion factor (r=.40).


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How to Cite

inmor, sureerut. (2021). FACTOR AFFECTING INTENTION TO PURCHASE GOODS VIA LINE OFFICIAL ACCOUNT FOR CONSUMER IN PATHUM THANI PROVINCE. Pathumthani University Academic Journal, 13(2), 238–252. retrieved from https://so05.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/ptujournal/article/view/252612