
  • walainaree pommala คณะพยาบาลศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยปทุมธานี


Experience, HIV


The purpose of this qualitative research was to study the experience in longevity of people living with HIV. The research samples were 12 patients of a hospital in Pathumtani province. The study samples were selected using purposive sampling by snowball sampling. The research instrument was an in- depth interview guide with field note. The data were analyzed using content analysis by Van Manen which divided into 4 details as fallow: 1) turning to the nature of live experience, 2) investigation the experience as we live it, 3) reflecting on the essential themes, and 4) describing the phenomenon through the art of writing and reviewing written paper.

The findings of the research were as follows: the experience in longevity of people with HIV consisted of 5 issues 1) the feeling when perceived about the illness, 2) being encouraged and had a strong mind, 3) having correct knowledge and information about disease, 4) taking care of oneself to be healthy, and 5) joining the club or group activities of peoples with HIV / AIDS.


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How to Cite

pommala, walainaree. (2021). THE EXPERIENCE IN LONGEVITY OF PEOPLES LIVING WITH HIV. Pathumthani University Academic Journal, 13(2), 270–287. Retrieved from