
  • walainaree pommala คณะพยาบาลศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยปทุมธานี


Pain management, Prayer


Pain was a sensation produced by the brain's commands or from the tissues of the body being destroyed or caused by feelings in the mind of the individual that are not desirable. Therefore, nurses have independent and dependent roles in pain management including roles as educators and leadership. The nurses can provide care by assessing the patient's problems and can reduce pain without medication, providing an independent role of nurses in providing care to patients for pain management without using medication by practicing both Samatha and Vipassana meditation. Samatha meditation is focusing on a particular emotion in order to achieve peace and tranquility in that emotion, and Vipassana meditation is the state that occurs at the time of the actual pain sensation appears. Both methods of meditating can reduce pain. Therefore, if nurses are knowledge able about meditation which is an alternative way to reduce pain for patients without nursing medication. It will have a positive effect on pain treatment and make patients feel comfortable, safe, satisfied with the service, and effectively affect the quality of life of patients.


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How to Cite

pommala, walainaree. (2021). PAIN MANAGEMENT THROUGH PRAYER. Pathumthani University Academic Journal, 13(2), 574–584. Retrieved from