
  • วรรณา มุ่งทวีเกียรติ


Knowledge, Self-care behavior in disease prevention, Covid – 19, Elderly


This study of quasi-experimental was to object the effectiveness of the health education program on the prevention of Covid-19 toward self-care of the elderly living in Ban Kachang, Pathum Thani. The sample comprised 30 subjects between August to October 2020 were selected by purposive sampling. The research instruments: 1) the demographic data record form, 2) Knowledge Program, 3) knowledge of prevention questionnaire, and 4) self-care behavior of prevention Covid - 19 questionnaire. The content validity test was at 1.00, .90 and 1.00 consecutively, and the reliability test of knowledge was conducted using KR – 20 at .73, and Self-care Behavior of Prevention was conducted using Cronbach’s alpha coefficient at .90. Statistics used for data analysis consisted of mean, standard deviation, and analyzed using a t-test.

The study results showed that: 1) Self-care behavior in prevention of COVID-19 before and after participating in the program found that the elderly had higher mean scores after receiving the program than before receiving the program  ( หลัง=3.65, S.D.=.16, ก่อน =3.23, S.D.=.99). 2) The average score of self-care behaviors in the prevention of COVID-19 among the elderly before and after participating the program were statistically significant difference at .05.

            Therefore, educating yourself about self-care to prevent COVID-19, which is a new issue, is important for maintaining good health behaviors of the elderly.


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How to Cite

มุ่งทวีเกียรติ ว. (2021). EFFECTIVE OF KNOWLEDGE PROGRAM ON SELF -CARE PREVENTIVE BEHAVIOR OF COVID - 19 AMONG ELDERLY IN PATHUMTHANI PROVINCE. Pathumthani University Academic Journal, 13(2), 313–323. Retrieved from https://so05.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/ptujournal/article/view/253479