
  • สุกันยา มะละโยธา มหาวิทยลัยปทุมธานี


School Administrative Strategy, Primary Educational Service Area Office


The objectives of this study were to 1) study school administrative strategy under the jurisdiction of Sakaeo primary educational service area office, 2) develop school administrative strategy under the jurisdiction of Sakaeo primary educational service area office and 3) estimate school administrative strategy under the jurisdiction of Sakaeo primary educational service area office. This research had 3 phases that the first phase was studied school administrative strategy under the jurisdiction of Sakaeo Primary Educational Service Area Office by data analysis and interview 15 people. The second phase was developed school administrative strategy under the jurisdiction of Sakaeo primary educational service area office by focus group with 15 experts. The third phase was estimated school administrative strategy under the jurisdiction of Sakaeo primary educational service area office by the assessment of suitability, possibility and usefulness. The statistics used for the data analysis include mean and standard deviation.

            The research results revealed that: 1) study school administrative strategy under the jurisdiction of Sakaeo primary educational service area office had 4 strategies that the first strategy was academic development of learning, the second strategy was budget management service, the third strategy was personnel management and the fourth strategy was development of educational management. 2) develop school administrative strategy under the jurisdiction of Sakaeo primary educational service area office had 4 strategies with 48 components that academic development of learning had 16 components, budget management service had 10 components, personnel management had 13 components and development of educational management had 9 components. 3) estimate school administrative strategy under the jurisdiction of Sakaeo primary educational service area office with suitability, possibility and usefulness were at much level.


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How to Cite

มะละโยธา ส. (2021). SCHOOL ADMINISTRATIVE STRATEGY UNDER THE JURISDICTIONOF SAKAEO PRIMARY EDUCATIONAL SERVICE AREA OFFICE. Pathumthani University Academic Journal, 13(2), 429–439. Retrieved from