
  • Nithit Thanee


The Elderly , Social Welfare , Ubon Ratchathani


This research aimed to evaluate the social welfare of elderly people in Ubon Ratchathani province. The participants consisted of 800 elderly people, gathered data by multistage random sampling. The index of item objective congruence was 0.97-1.00. The Cronbach’s alpha coefficient was 0.84. Data was analyzed using descriptive statistics.

The research results revealed that the majority of participants were female (65.1%) and young old and middle old had similar proportions (40.6% and 37.4 % respectively). Most of them married (54.7), primary level or not educated (90%). More than half of participants were farmers (51.6%), their main income came from social welfare was the pension (84.0%), chronic diseases (61.4%) and universal coverage schemes (84.2%).  Social welfare provision for elderly people presented that in overall, medical welfare was the approach that provided congruence services with elderly needs. The elderly receives free medical care under the government’s universal health coverage funds. For income, it was found that the state allocated subsistence allowances at suitable times. However, the participants needed funding and advice and career skills. The majority of participants receive less residential welfare than needed. The government has improved accommodation and the environment is insufficient. In terms of recreation, most participants participated in important social events. According to social security found that the funeral assistance and legal assistance were insufficient. However, welfare for building services and network support, especially providing care for the elderly from public health volunteers of caregivers and establishing the elderly club, was not congruence with elderly needs.

Overall, the setting of standards for providing social welfare for the elderly was coverage. However, for operations, some welfare provisions are insufficient to meet the needs of elderly people. The research recommendations that it can be used as a guideline for developing social welfare for the elderly in congruence with changing of social and needs of elderly people.


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How to Cite

Nithit. (2022). SOCIAL WELFARE FOR THE ELDERLY IN UBON RATCHATHANI. Pathumthani University Academic Journal, 14(1), 99–118. Retrieved from