
  • Walailak Panturee -


Hemp products, Cultural Landscape, Hmong Ethnic Group


This research article aims to: Analyze the cultural landscape of the Hmong ethnic group in Phop Phra District, Tak Province. Develop hemp products from the cultural landscape of the Hmong ethnic group in Phop Phra District, Tak Province, utilizing research and development methodologies such as documentary analysis, surveys, and in-depth semi-structured interviews totaling 50 participants. Four main informant groups were selected using purposive sampling: 1) Government representatives, 2) Community leaders, 3) Entrepreneurs, and 4) Community members. A meeting was organized to facilitate knowledge exchange through participatory brainstorming to develop hemp products.

The results revealed: 1) Hemp serves as the cornerstone of the cultural landscape, representing a significant reservoir of cultural capital. The Hmong ethnic group has cultivated hemp for generations, harnessing extensive wisdom in its utilization within an agricultural context deeply ingrained in their cultural heritage. Hemp cultivation areas thus serve as the nexus of cultural production, yielding artifacts that reflect and embody the unique cultural values and identity of the Hmong ethnic group. and 2) The development of hemp-based products exemplifies the culmination of ancestral wisdom, encompassing a diverse array of items including clothing, accessories, handicrafts, and consumables such as soap, serum, face masks, and culinary products like Matcha. Each product conveys narratives, lifestyles, meanings, beliefs, and traditions, symbolizing the innovative spirit of contemporary expression. These findings hold significance for various sectors, particularly in spatial development administration, by informing strategies for policy formulation and planning that prioritize the cultural landscape's role in generating value-added cultural products and services. Such initiatives aim to align with the evolving dynamics of the modern global economy and society.


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How to Cite

Panturee, W. (2024). HEMP PRODUCTS DEVELOPMENT: CULTURAL LANDSCAPE OF THE HMONG ETHNIC GROUP, PHOP PHRA DISTRICT, TAK PROVINCE. Pathumthani University Academic Journal, 16(1), 54–68. Retrieved from https://so05.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/ptujournal/article/view/271192