
  • ผศ.ดร.ศรัณยพงศ์ โชติวรรณ์ -


Role and of professional nurses , Emergency receiving and referring, Emergency patients , Emergency operation units


The article “Bringing Thai Wisdom to Educational Institutions: Learning and Teaching Context” explores approaches for integrating Thai wisdom into educational institutions by studying and analyzing it within the context of teaching and learning. This includes examining curricula and related documents, understanding the students, and analyzing various aspects of student data. It further involves developing lesson plans, expanding details into practical applications, organizing teaching and learning activities, and assessing and evaluating learning outcomes. The study is based on documentary research, with the collected data summarized and analyzed. This study finds that educational institutions, there should be appropriate measures to effectively incorporate Thai wisdom into teaching and learning. The implementation approach includes thoroughly studying the curriculum and its accompanying documents, as well as conducting curriculum analysis meetings. The goal is to clarify the curriculum’s objectives and the content of each course and to develop suitable lesson plans. Teachers must transform the curriculum into teaching, getting to know the students and analyzing their various characteristics, such as knowledge, abilities, and challenges, to find ways to develop both the class as a whole and individual student. Lesson planning involves expanding the curriculum details into practice by clearly defining activities and timelines, ensuring they can be implemented effectively. Lesson planning is carried out on a per-subject or per-class basis. Teachers need to create a learning approach that focuses on student-centered learning, encourages the expression of opinions, and emphasizes analytical thinking. Lastly, the assessment of learning outcomes should be broad and employ multiple methods, allowing for accurate evaluation. Teachers must ensure that the set objectives result in students achieving learning outcomes in three domains: cognitive, affective, and psychomotor.



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How to Cite

โชติวรรณ์ ผ. (2024). BRINGING THAI WISDOM TO EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS: LEARNING AND TEACHING CONTEXT . Pathumthani University Academic Journal, 16(2), 82–96. Retrieved from