An Analysis of Vocabulary Learning Strategies Employed by Thai EFL Undergraduates: Dictionary Use

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Ratiporn Panduangkaew


As a number of researchers in Thailand have investigated the use of vocabulary learning strategies by Thai learners at all levels, it is now worth specifically looking at how undergraduates learn new vocabulary words since these learners are considered more mature and might have learned more strategies compared to those with lower levels of education. In this article, the VLS taxonomy from Schmitt (1997) is emphasized with an aim to recognize possible links among the results from various studies on the use of VLS by Thai learners at a university level. Among the various research studies the writer looked at, only five of them with a VLS questionnaire adapted from Schmitt’s (1997) were selected to be presented in this paper. The findings all revealed that Thai EFL undergraduates prefer using a bilingual dictionary to other vocabulary strategies in their attempt to comprehend the meaning of the target word. This not only affirms the learners’ preference but also reflects how they were involved in VLS instruction throughout their lifelong learning. Hence, this article provides some thoughts concerning the popularity and benefits of bilingual dictionaries. Also, Thai lecturers can make use of the findings to improve their VLS instruction and inquire further as to whether this strategy is still a top ranking one in long-term observations in order to be better able to handle effective VLS instruction.

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How to Cite
Panduangkaew, R. (2018). An Analysis of Vocabulary Learning Strategies Employed by Thai EFL Undergraduates: Dictionary Use. rEFLections, 25(1), 116–125.
Research articles