English Vocabulary with a Picture Application for Enhancing Thai EFL Students’ Daily English Vocabulary Memorization
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With the emergence of new technology, computers have been used for language learning. This experimental study aimed to develop English Vocabulary with a Picture Application (EVP) for improving students’ daily English vocabulary memorization and examine the effectiveness of EVP used between an experimental group and a control group. EVP was designed on picture mnemonic technique based on a cognitive theory of multimedia learning. The participants were 48 undergraduate students who were randomly assigned to the experimental and the control group. Prior to the intervention, the participants of both groups were given a pre-test to determine their daily English vocabulary knowledge. Then, the experimental group received EVP, and the control group went through a traditional method. After the treatment, the post-test was administrated to both groups. The results manifested that the experimental group who received EVP noticeably outperformed their counterpart in the post-test. The participants also provided positive opinions regarding the use of EVP. In consequence, the findings implied that EVP could be an optional learning tool to enhance students’ daily English vocabulary. Further study could investigate the achievement of EVP in teaching vocabulary for different purposes in various contexts.
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