Washback in Language Learning Strategies Under High Stakes Language Testing - A Study of the Hong Kong Secondary System

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Man-Chit Chak


This research delves into the washback effects of the Hong Kong Diploma of Education Examination (HKDSE) on the learning strategies employed by secondary school students in Hong Kong. By surveying 50 students to assess their English learning strategy profiles, this study seeks to identify potential biases in strategy selection indicative of examination influence. A subset of participants was further interviewed, enabling a deeper exploration of the underlying reasons behind their strategy choices. Thematic analysis of these interviews revealed that while students recognize the intended washback of the examination on their learning strategies, its actual influence might be diminished by their reservations regarding high stakes testing’s effect on authentic English learning. The overarching sentiment expressed frustrations and conflict between the study of English language, and exam-centric pressures.

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How to Cite
Chak, M.-C. (2023). Washback in Language Learning Strategies Under High Stakes Language Testing - A Study of the Hong Kong Secondary System. rEFLections, 31(1), 1–24. https://doi.org/10.61508/refl.v31i1.269539
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