Vlogging: An Alternative to Role-play in Improving EFL Learners' Conversation Skills
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Technology-enhanced language learning, or TELL, has played a major role in boosting EFL learners’ speaking skills in recent years. The use of online technological methods such as vlogging and uploading videos to popular social networks such as YouTube, in particular, has been recommended as a tool to hone students' conversation skills in addition to providing ubiquitous role-play practice. This study, therefore, aims to examine the effectiveness of multiple-party YouTube vlogging with the effectiveness of role-play when it comes to improving EFL learners’ conversation skills. Seventy-six Thai undergraduates taking an English conversation course were engaged in five role-play and five vlogging lessons before and after the midterm for the purpose of improving their English-speaking skills. The students were additionally assessed by the pre-, post- roleplay and vlogging teaching interviews for their speaking performance. A comparative analysis was conducted on the score sets derived from the three distinct interviews, and the scores obtained from participants' weekly role-play assignments were compared with those from their weekly vlogging. The results showed a significant improvement in the students’ confidence and content expression despite some challenges of the vlogging method. Further research can explore the alternative use of vlogging in other areas of English language skill improvement.
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