Input as a Key Element in Test Design: A Narrative of Designing an Innovative Critical Thinking Assessment
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Test input has often been taken as a given in test design practice. Nearly all guides for test designers provide extensive coverage of how to design test items but pay little attention to test input. This paper presents the case that test input plays a crucial role in designing tests of soft skills that have rarely been assessed in existing tests. In the process of designing a test of critical thinking, several attempts following existing test design guides resulted in poor tests that did not truly assess the intended objectives. These initial attempts used the norm of short passages as test input. Following these failures, we switched to using real-world input, such as tweets, numerical tables, and spam emails. In doing so, it was found that a particular input type favored a particular sub-skill of critical thinking and a particular item type. For example, using tweets as input enabled the assessment of the Perspective Taking sub-skill of critical thinking. This paper concludes that in designing skill tests, integrating appropriate input is at least as important as item design and calls for reevaluating the functions of test input as a distinct and dynamic element.
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